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Organizing Your Domestic Limited Liability Company or Registering Your Foreign Limited Liability Company

Domestic Limited Liability Company Certificate of Formation and Foreign Limited Liability Company Application for Registration forms are available. To obtain either, see "File Download/Links" at the bottom of this page. Our Business Entities Downloads page provides various other forms for certificate requests and filing purposes

Domestic LLC Filing

Filing Fees

Secretary of State: $100.00
Expedited Process to SOS: $100.00
Minimum Probate Judge fee: $50.00

Domestic LLC Procedures

Your entity name must contain the words Limited Liability Company or the abbreviation L.L.C. or LLC. You must obtain a Certificate of Name Reservation [10A-1-4.02(f)] prior to filing your formation documents in the county.
(Name Reservation for Domestic Entities)

File the original and two copies of the Certificate of Formation in the county where the LLC's registered office is/will be located.

The Probate Judge will collect the Secretary of State Filing fee and expedite fee, if applicable. Some Probate Judge's Offices do not accept expedited processing fees to be forwarded to the Secretary of State and some do not accept credit cards as a payment method. Please be sure to check with the Office of the Judge of Probate prior to filing to determine payment methods and ability to expedite processing as well as county fees.


Foreign Filing

Filing Fee

Secretary of State: $150.00

Foreign LLC Procedures

Your registered name must end with the words Limited Liability Company or an abbreviation of these words (L.L.C. or LLC). You must obtain a Certificate of Name Reservation [10A-1-5.11] prior to filing the Application for Registration.

File two original copies of the "Foreign Limited Liability Company Application for Registration" with the Business Entities Division of the Secretary of State.
(Name Reservation for Foreign Entities)

Mail the $150.00 filing fee and two original copies of the "Foreign Limited Liability Company Application for Registration" to Alabama Secretary of State, Attention: Business Entities Division, P.O. Box 5616, Montgomery, Alabama 36103 or 11 South Union Street, Suite 119, Montgomery, Alabama 36130.

File Foreign LLC Online - Filing Fee $250.00


Get Acrobat Reader

Note: The Adobe Acrobat reader is required for viewing the following files. If you do not have the Acrobat reader already, you may download it by clicking the Acrobat icon. Adobe's site will open in a new window.

File Download Type
bullet Domestic Limited Liability Company Certificate of Formation Acrobat File
bullet Foreign Limited Liability Company Application for Registration Acrobat File


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P.O. Box 5616
Montgomery, AL 36103-5616
Phone:  (334) 242-7200
Fax:  (334) 242-4993
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