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Office of the Secretary of State

Event Scheduling

Thank you for your interest in inviting Secretary of State John H. Merrill to your event. To make a scheduling request for Secretary Merrill to attend or speak at an event, please click on the link to the form below.

Download the form in Adobe Acrobat format
Click here to download the form in Adobe Acrobat format.
Download the form in Microsoft Word format Click here to download the form in Microsoft Word format.

You may fax the form to the attention of Kayla Farnon at (334) 353-7854 or you may email it to the following email address:

Kayla Farnon will contact you as soon as possible to discuss the event with you once she has received the request. We look forward to hearing from you and to considering each request.

Personal Visits

Secretary Merrill also makes personal visits with school groups, Senior Citizen organizations, and individuals in his Capitol office when his schedule permits.

For a personal visit with Secretary Merrill, please provide at least two weeks notice and call Kayla Farnon at (334) 353-7854 to schedule a time and date.

When you contact her, please provide your group's name, the average age, and number of people who will be attending and a contact person's name, address, and phone number.

Capitol Tours

Guided tours of the Alabama State Capitol are available upon request. The State Capitol is the helm of state government and has an enormous historical significance.

For a guided tour, please call the Capitol Tour Office at (334) 242-3935. Self-guided tours are also available at any time.


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P.O. Box 5616
Montgomery, AL 36103-5616
Phone:  (334) 242-7200
Fax:  (334) 242-4993
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